Unusually soft, slow and elastic: ideal for active pimple playing with hitting techniques as otherwise more common with medium length pimples.
Disruptive effect
Covering type
Long pimples
The development of the new Dornenglanz III originally was based on the Dornenglanz II. Our goal was making the Dornenglanz III slower than the Dornenglanz II, without reducing the disruptive effect.
For this purpose, the rubber compound of the Dornenglanz II was continuously modified in many individual steps. With every change, the similarities between the Dornenglanz II and the Dornenglanz III became less and less. In the end, the Dornenglanz III is rather a completely new rubber and not a new Dornenglanz version, but the name of the rubber that was defined at the beginning of the development process has remained.
The rubber compound of the Dornenglanz III contains a large number of artificial polymers that make the surface both softer and more elastic than all other long pimples we offer. In addition, the Dornenglanz III is very tacky.
The (by the way very sturdy) pimples themselves are a little wider than those of the other long pimples from SpinLord. The distance between the pimples is average. The pimples have a cylindrical shape with a small conical reinforcement on the pimples bottom. The pimples tops are ribbed.
The speed of the Dornenglanz III is comparable to the speed of the Lion Claw, which means that the Dornenglanz III is noticeably slower than the previously available long pimples from SpinLord. In direct comparison to the Lion Claw, the Dornenglanz III plays completely different due to its incomparably higher elasticity and the softer rubber compound. The Claw is undynamic and straightforward in play behavior, and mainly dangerous because of its flat ball flight curve. The Dornenglanz III, on the other hand, has a higher, but also significantly shorter ball flight curve, cushions in passive play and accelerates in active play.
The Dornenglanz III is especially suitable for playing at the table as it is primarily made for an active and aggressive style of playing. But please note it is not good for playing passive block balls. Also for playing "Chop-blocks" it is necessary to play this stroke more active then usual.
Even in ox the Dornenglanz III can and should be played with similar striking techniques such as usually used for short and semi-length pimples. Thus it is of course also a very good option for players switching from these kind of rubbers. The overall playing feel of the Dornenglanz III in ox is almost comparable to that of a semi-length pimple in 1.0 mm , but the Dornenglanz III is more dangerous.
The disruptive effect of Dornenglanz III is high if your own playing style is adapted to this rubber. With a little practice the pimples of the Dornenglanz III bend unusually quickly and make the ball flight curve unpredictable. However if you only defend passively with this rubber, the disruptive effect is reduced considerably.
In ox, classical undercut defense is quite possible and also dangerous.
In the version with a sponge, the undercut defense gets to be very dangerous and effectiver, so the version with sponge is a good option for classic defenders. Also the version with sponge is hardly faster then the ox version (but the control is a little bit lower).
The Dornenglanz III can be easily combined with almost all blades. In combination with Balsa blades, the player should be aware that the catapult of the Balsa blade and the high elasticity of the Dornenglanz III reinforce each other.
As with almost all SpinLord rubbers, the control values of the Dornenglanz III are very high. Therefore, the Dornenglanz III should also be controllable for players in lower leagues.
Overall the Dornenglanz III is innovative, modern and certainly very different from what many players expected. After a short period of getting used to it, combined with switching to a more active pimple game, this rubber is one of the best ways to play successfully with the plastic balls in the long term.